Red Rock Residence

  • Company/Studio
    CLL . Concept Lighting Lab, LLC
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Claudia Kappl-Joy (Interiors and Lighting)
  • Design Team
    Interiors : S.Trumble, Daniela Tamez, N. Hosseinzadeh ; Lighting : S. Trumble, T. Cordivari, S. Espinoza, Daniela Tamez, J. Evans
  • Client
    Private, Undisclosed
  • Credits
    Photography : Jeff Goldberg | ESTO
  • Prize
    Winner in Interior Design/House & Residential / Winner in Interior Design/Lighting
  • Project Website

‘Red Rock’ is a new construction Home designed by Greg Faulkner/ Faulkner Architects, with Landscape Architecture by Hugo Sachez/Entorno, Interior and Lighting Design by Claudia Kappl-Joy/CLL and Built by Bugbee Custom Homes. The 3-story residence follows strong formal and material concepts. A 100x100ft cast in place concrete block, pushes and pulls its masses, resulting in a sunken pool and a protruding deck, complemented by high grade interiors and lighting, which soften the robust architecture, designed to withstand the harsh sun, heat and weather. A welcome home for the active family of 6.

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