Just Like Zack!

  • Company/Studio
    Guò Bàn Ér
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Christian Taeubert
  • Client
    张悦 Zack
  • Credits
    Photos by: Boris Shiu
  • Prize
    Winner in Interior Design/Workplace

Just Like Zack! Photo studio of renowned fashion photographer 张悦 Zack gets a clean makeover. After 16 years of working in his studio 张悦 Zack was ready for a much-needed change in his creative and working environment. Meanwhile, the industry had expanded from traditional photo shoots with big sets to fashion influencers shooting more ad hoc and spontaneously in various settings and backgrounds. The new design enables 张悦 Zack to use his studio in many ways to promote additional business and bookings.

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