Plateforme de Résistance · PasserELLE collection

  • Company/Studio
    Ana Cardim · Contemporary Jewellery
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Ana Cardim
  • Client
    International Design Museum Stores
  • Credits
    Photos & Video: Lena Wan
  • Prize
    Winner in Product Design/Fashion & lifestyle
  • Project Website

"Plateforme de Résistance" A symbolic ring of commitment to the Feminist Cause. PasserELLE collection translates the Feminist Revolution Voices into bright jewellery. A Platform to raise a NEW COLLECTIVE MENTALITY in defense of WOMEN’S DIGNITY. PasserELLE design highlights the central axis as an element of symbolic transversality in the “metamorphic passage” between a historical mentality marked by oppression, violence and female suffering to a Higher Platform that goes beyond all barriers of social prejudice and extends THE BRIDGE FOR WOMEN´S LIBERATION AND RIGHTS.

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