1917– the restoration of Shantui Industrial factory

  • Company/Studio
    Inlab Studio
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Jianan Zhou
  • Design Team
    Jianan Zhou, Pengling Hu, Zhaochen Zhong
  • Prize
    Winner in Landscape Design/Parks & Public spaces, Educational, Community & Recreation facilities

As the walls of the aged factory compound are unsealed, a profound intersection of history and prospect emerges, epitomizing the synergy between the relics of industrial heritage and the nascent possibilities of tomorrow. Embedded within the matrix of urban rejuvenation, this convergence animates the erstwhile site and its surrounding neighborhoods, heralding a renaissance of urban vitality. This revitalization not only catalyzes novel visions for urban living but also serves as a prologue, offering a foretaste of life for incoming residents.

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