Tiebei Hongshan International Community

  • Company/Studio
    Suzhou Gold Mantis Construction Decoration Co.,Ltd
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Dai Fanghui,Wang Jian,Tian Zhu,Zhou Ping,Zhou Yu
  • Design Team
    Wu Yiran,Guo Jun,Jiang Xin,Zhou Shengqiang,Xie Meirong
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention

The project deeply integrates fashion and art elements, aiming to create a "small and beautiful" urban leisure and exploration center. Through innovative design concepts and artistic space expression, the design concept of "Rubik's Cube" is adopted to provide consumers with a diversified leisure shopping experience, meet the diverse needs of different age groups and different interest groups, achieve a one-stop life service in the true sense, and improve the convenience and happiness of residents.

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