"In harmony with nature" - The development of the waterfront of Lake Slupeckie in Poland

  • Company/Studio
    Pawel Grobelny
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Pawel Grobelny
  • Client
    City of Slupca
  • Credits
    Photo by Janusz Nowak and Dawid Majewski
  • Prize
    Winner in Landscape Design/Parks & Public spaces, Educational, Community & Recreation facilities
  • Project Website

The development of the waterfront of lake is a series of circle-shaped piers, picnic platform and a pier with a viewing platform. The minimalist platforms blend harmoniously with landscape of the lake. The circles directly refer to the island-ring visible from the lake shore, and which is the remains of a settlement from the Lusatian culture period (750 - 400 BC). This is an example of the combination of the design and respect for the natural environment and the history. The project focused on smaller objects that not only compliment the landscape, but also encourage active use of this space.

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