The Afterlife of Paper

  • University/School
    Hubei University of Technology
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Ke Zhen
  • Design Team
    Liu Zhixiong,Xiang Ming,Liu Jinyang,Wang Jiaqi,Li Shiyuan
  • Prize
    Winner in Product Design/Eco Design

This is an environmentally friendly shredder.The shredded paper residue usually requires further cleaning and disposal, which undoubtedly leads to resource wastage. This particular shredder can process waste paper by shredding it, then subjecting it to steps such as humidification, drying, and compression to form foldable thick cardboard. Users can fold the cardboard along the creases to create paper boxes, which can be used to store small desktop items or serve as desktop trash cans. This approach not only extends the lifecycle of paper but also reduces the need for garbage bags.

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