Orico Training Center

  • Company/Studio
    MR STUDIO Co., Ltd.
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Nobuaki Miyashita
  • Design Team
    Nobuaki Miyashita/MR STUDIO Co., Ltd.,
  • Client
    Orient Corporation
  • Credits
    Photo by : Marin Tsutsumi , Nobuaki Miyashita
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention

Orient Corporation (Orico) is a major consumer credit company with more than 110 million cardholders. The plan is to renovate and adapt their own training center to modern values and programs, which has deteriorated after its construction more than 30 years ago. To make the CI of Orico's felt throughout the space, the design is based on a VI using Credit Card as a motif. Each of the six accommodation rooms are each designed with a theme based on the different types of credit cards issued by Orico, such as Gold, Platinum, and Black Card to embody the unique worldview of each credit card.

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