ATOMIC DREAMER · Introspective Intersection

  • Company/Studio
    Ana Cardim · Contemporary Jewellery
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Ana Cardim
  • Client
    MAAT - Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology · Lisbon · Portugal
  • Credits
    Photos: Lena Wan Dreamer: Inna Ebel
  • Prize
    Winner in Product Design/Fashion & lifestyle
  • Project Website

ATOMIC DREAMER collection is inspired by the different dimensions of the oneiric universe as channel of metaphysical communication. An aesthetic narrative that reveals the open path to the mystery of our existence as supra sensitive beings originated from a dynamic core transverse to the apparent notions of space and time that – illusorily – we understand as reality. “Introspective Intersection” Ring is the place of balance between Women’s Individual Identity and Motherhood Atomic Dreamer Collection highlights the female intuition as base of the deepest knowledge.

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