Sha Guo

  • Company/Studio
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
  • Design Team
    Eser Bayar, Esranur Duman, Aysegul Seker, Ekin Bilgesu Senol, Rabia Unes
  • Client
    WGX Noodle King GmbH
  • Credits
    Photos by Ibrahim Ozbunar
  • Prize
    Winner in Interior Design/Hospitality
  • Project Website

Mitte, a design studio with offices in Istanbul, Germany, and Austria, specializes in hospitality and food & beverage. They offer a multidisciplinary approach to craft complete guest experiences, aiming for positive change within businesses. Mitte collaborates holistically with partners to challenge convention and connect meaningfully with guests. Their portfolio includes work with investors, developers, FMCG brands, resorts, restaurants, and entrepreneurs, shaping every aspect of the guest journey.

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