Dalang Fashion Foundation (DLFF)

  • Company/Studio
    Fioworks Limited
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Ferdinand Cheung, Samuel Wong
  • Design Team
    Ling Cai, Yasser Diaz, Jane Zhang, Matt Huang,
  • Client
    SCGP Group
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Project Website

Dalang Fashion Foundation, a transformative project in Longhua district, symbolizes Shenzhen's emergence in fashion industry. It repurposes 14 textile factory buildings into an Int’l Fashion Hub of boutiques, showrooms, runways, exhibitions, etc, blending heritage and modernity. Prismatic Boxes are featured as insertions that unify the complex, offering venues of diverse themes and programs. The Pinnacle, a performance theatre, stands as DLFF’s iconic centrepiece and the district’s beacon. Ethereal Gallery offers a sleek runway and event space. DLFF promotes inclusivity and fosters creativity.

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