The Shàng by Artyzen Qiantan Shanghai

  • Company/Studio
    Neri&Hu Design and Research Office
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Lyndon Neri, Rossana Hu
  • Client
    Artyzen Hospitality Group
  • Credits
    Photo by Zhu Runzi
  • Prize
    Winner in Interior Design/Hospitality

The Shang Hotel is a new hotel brand created by the Artyzen Group. The project, located in an existing structure, came with unique building constraints; the design team was challenged with an exceptionally small room footprint, 18.5 sqm to be exact, which was required to be “versatile” at the same time. Neri&Hu drew inspirations from cabinets of curiosities or curio boxes dating back to the 16th through 19th century, across cultures from both the East and the West. Inspired by our research, each room became a curio box, with mechanisms that open and close to reveal various functions.

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