Brownie Points

  • Company/Studio
    Monga D.
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Monga D.
  • Design Team
    Michel Refatti, Mateus Yuzo, Charley Moraes, Mariana Cordeiro
  • Client
    Brownie Points
  • Credits
    Meetings: Marina Guaragna
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention

Brownie Points is an American online store created in 2017 by Rinny Perkins in Los Angeles. A black woman, Texan, writer and artist, she creates decorative products that empower and give voice to minorities, never shutting up on controversial issues such as sex and mental health. With the design of the late 70's and early 80's as the main source of inspiration and with the aim of professionalizing and standardizing the brand's communication, Rinny requested, in 2022, a new visual identity, mixing vintage style with a contemporary aesthetics as the main direction for the project.

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