• Company/Studio
    Hangzhou Bakou Landscape Design Co., Ltd.
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Zheng Jianhao
  • Design Team
    Liu Liangjun, Xu Xiaoda, Li Weiping, Cheng Jia, Chen Luan
  • Client
    Changsha Xiandao Hengding Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention

The uncanny workmanship of nature has created a unique art of curves, with winding and continuous lines that couple strength and gentleness. THE RIVER ONE is designed and implemented based on the elements of clouds walking on the earth, showing the dynamic and changeable beauty of clouds. Strolling here is a tranquil and leisurely experience, where one can enter the Cloud Gate, ascend the Cloud Platform, and contemplate the Cloud Mirror, accompanied by the gentle sound of flowing water, initiating an encounter above the clouds.

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