The Morrow Hotel - Public Spaces

  • Company/Studio
    INC Architecture & Design
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    INC Architecture & Design
  • Client
    Trammell Crow Company
  • Credits
    Photography by: Kris Tamburello
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Project Website

The design of the Morrow lobby and public spaces is a response to the overarching theme of the passage of time and the distinct times of day. The lobby represents “first light” and is rendered in a clean airy palette of soft, light-colored plasters and luminous natural materials. Throughout the public spaces of the hotel, the interior architectural forms are an abstracted interpretation of the neoclassical traditions of Washington D.C., while the furniture and details emerge out of an ethereal alchemy of pure geometries and elemental materials.

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