Malecón de Villahermosa

  • Company/Studio
    Taller + Taau + Alejandro Castro
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Mauricio Rocha, Oscar Rodríguez, Alejandro Castro
  • Design Team
    Abraham Barrios, Jaime Brambila, José Luis Contreras, Andrés de la Garma, Luis Guagnelli, Gerardo Pasalagua, Samuele Xompero, Antonio Nungaray.
  • Client
  • Credits
    Photos by Ana Paula Álvarez and Aldo Belenda
  • Prize
    Winner in Landscape Design/Parks & Public spaces, Educational, Community & Recreation facilities
  • Project Website

The urban intervention of the Malecón de Villahermosa aimed to restore the population's connection with the nature of the Grijalva River, which was lost years ago with the construction of a containment wall due to a past flood. Spanning 5.3 linear kilometers on both sides of the river, the urban and architectural proposal included the creation of a pedestrian walkway over the river. Additionally, various recreational and sports areas, a bikeway, restaurant and cultural zones, the reforestation of native vegetation, and the urban rescue of over 125,000 m2 along the riverbanks were incorporated.

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