30th Anniversary of Poznan / Shenzhen Sister Cities

  • Company/Studio
    Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts Poznan
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Agata Kulczyk
  • Client
    Guan Shanyue Art Museum Shenzhen / Art Fringe Center Shenzhen / Poznan Art Week
  • Credits
    Photo by: Shenzhen Fringe Art
  • Prize
    Winner in Graphic Design/Logo
  • Project Website

Logo for 30th Anniversary of Poznan/Shenzhen Sister Cities cooperation. It becomes a sign of exhibition of 10 artists from Poland and China and adapted by Shenzhen Fringe Art Center as motive of a visual identity of the exhibition. Forms used in a logo can make an impression, that we plays pick up sticks, so there is an element of fun and taking care of sth. I want to impress the reader a feeling, that each of us can be a player, can act and build sth new. The numbers of the rectangles aren’t random – each of them means a decade and a form of the logo is similar to Chinese sign: number three.

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