
  • Instagram
  • University/School
    Tunghai University
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Zih-Hong Jiang
  • Design Team
    Chun-Yen Cheng, Bo-Shiun Yi, Chiao-An Tsai
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention

The drinking water in life rafts is limited, and prolonged drifting at sea can lead to dehydration. Therefore, we install a solar distiller on the life raft, utilizing solar energy as the power source. Seawater is drawn in through the bottom of the life raft and passes through a filter to remove most impurities. The distiller then heats and boils the water, which is then collected and distributed into bottles for drinking. By harnessing solar energy, this green energy source allows people adrift at sea to recycle seawater, providing them with the opportunity to sustain life.

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