Citrosuco: Communication Design and wayfinding

  • Company/Studio
    Dea Design
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Silvia Kanayama
  • Design Team
    Mariana Caram, Ana Paula Nemoto, Hemelin Sousa, Roberto Fagaraz, Thamires Gomes, Nathalia Fujii, Heloisa Ikeda, Vitoria Bezerra, Marcel Cholby
  • Client
  • Credits
    Photo by Renato Navarro, Architecture by PW
  • Prize
    Winner in Graphic Design/Communication design

The cycle beyond its cycle. The key phrase leads the journey through Citrosuco’s office, expressing the brand identity and enhancing the space. The communication design project focused on bringing the company’s organic shapes to the signage and the brand attributes to 5 fundamentals moments of the journey – Seed, Harvesting, Renewal, Legacy and Gem. They represent not only the orange product cycle, but also the company’s intangible impact into the consumers and collaborators life.

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