The Suffolk Gallery Bench

  • Company/Studio
    JG Neukomm Architecture
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    JG Neukomm
  • Design Team
    Matthew Gray
  • Client
    Gotham Organization
  • Credits
    Photos by Scott Frances & JG Neukomm
  • Prize
    Winner in Product Design/Furniture & Lighting
  • Project Website

Our approach to the design of The Suffolk Gallery Bench recalls the complexity and layering that was vital to the design of The Suffolk, the broader project it sits in. The disconnect between its sections and intentional lack of alignment echoes the dynamic juxtapositions found within the LES, while the patinated bronze surface engages with and stands out against the textured, monochromatic walls. An abstraction of the typical city park bench, the piece eludes definition referencing human and architectural scales, and is an encounter of difference that is deliberately and joyfully disjointed.

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