Save riders' life car rear windshield warning sign screen

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  • University/School
    Tatung University, Fu Jen Catholic University
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Wei-Siang Huang
  • Design Team
    Wei-Siang Huang, Sin-Yi Huang
  • Prize
    Winner in Product Design/Vehicle, Transport & Accessories
  • Project Website

Car rear windshield warning sign screen is an efficient piece of equipment that can reduce accidents when the riders crash into the car door. From the accident that happens often, to achieve riders safety more. Car rear windshield warning sign screen device using transparent glass screen.When the driver says “Hey Save Rider open car door”, the windshield will show the warning sign to the riders. This way riders can know it earlier when the car driver opens the door. Windshield warning sign screen, a product can be installed on different cars, to achieve more safety to the riders.

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