Mansion Dahlia

  • Company/Studio
    Mansion Dahlia
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Yin Guodong
  • Client
    Mansion Dahlia
  • Credits
    Photo by Studio ZD
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention

Mansion Dahlia is situated within the historic De Lin Apartments in Wuhan, constructed in 1925. Named after the building itself, the bar seamlessly integrates its design ethos with the overall architectural aesthetic. Inside, the ambiance is defined by a palette of retro red and postman green, with subtle accents of black and gold evoking the grandeur of yesteryears. The wine rack, meticulously aligned with the ceiling, and the slightly lowered bar height create an expansive and airy atmosphere. A cleverly crafted geometric wine rack hints at rows of split oak barrels.

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