Wanning Shenzhou Peninsula·Tianlan Yuan

  • Company/Studio
    Chongqing Donehome Landscape Architecture Planning Design Co.,Ltd
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Renjun Deng
  • Design Team
    Wenwen Xie, Wanli Peng, Xiao Qin, Zongshun Li, Xiaoqin Liao, Zhang Yu, Liyu Chen, Fufu Zhou , Yiqiang Sun
  • Client
    China Overseas Property
  • Credits
    Photo by: Prism, Xueer
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention

The project is located next to the mangrove forest on the Shenzhou Peninsula in Hainan, focusing on ecological protection and sustainable development. Utilize natural light, coconut groves and open layout to maximize the surrounding natural beauty and integrate with the environment. Walk home through the coconut grove and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere. Theme gardens with Moroccan, Southeast Asian, and Florida styles are set up to allow residents to experience world style. Create a vacation destination that is close to nature and full of exotic customs, and coexist harmoniously with nature.

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