Mosaic Ring

  • Company/Studio
    ela store
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Nardin Sabounchi
  • Design Team
    Sadaf Shafei, Sara Keramati,
  • Credits
    Photo and Content: Tina Tinati
  • Prize
    Winner in Product Design/Fashion & lifestyle
  • Project Website

The Mosaic Ring from the Exo Collection is a wearable sculpture forming a cohesive whole, interplay of light and faceted surfaces. It is a tribute to Monir Farmanfarmaian's traditional Iranian mirror-work techniques, it pays homage to her sculptural legacy. Symbolizing the fusion of tradition and innovation, it tells a story that transcends boundaries, much like parallel lines meeting at infinity, capturing the essence of existence. Customizable colors allow clients and wearers to express themselves uniquely, forging emotional connections with the piece.

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