DEPARTMENT 57 bar & club

  • Company/Studio
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  • Lead Designer(s)
    Fedor Goreglyad, Kamila Gilmutdinova
  • Design Team
    Anna Lvovskaia, Boris Lvovskiy, Fedor Goreglyad, Maria Romanova, Kamila Gilmutdinova
  • Credits
    Photo by Nikita Subbotin (Landon studio)
  • Prize
    Winner in Interior Design/Lighting
  • Project Website

The new DEPARTMENT 57 club space is located in a unique historical building and combines club and bar areas that function both unitedly as well as separately. We developed distinctive, colourful, and unique visual styles for each space, using light and media art as our main tools. Our main goal was to reimagine the club environment and bring it to the forefront of design, light, and media art. All ideas inspired by nature were developed and realised together with YARKO Lighting Design Studio.

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