Chiayi West Market

  • Company/Studio
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
  • Design Team
    Lee Chin Yuan、Peter Pan、Zhou,Nan、Tsai Pei-Yin、Wang Yu LIn、Ching Hsiang, Wang、
  • Client
    Chiayi City Government Economic Affairs Department / Min-Huei Huang
  • Credits
    steven 58kg
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Project Website

Built in 1999, Chiayi West Market is the area's liveliest shopping hub carrying local cultural imprints. Facing remodeling amid urban development, its branding stems from a traditional market renovation program. Combining vendors' shouting with market tiles, it utilizes a black font to form a "Loud-Speaker" visual, reflecting traditional markets' bustling vibe. This creates a new modern market brand image.

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