JULIN Quake-Isolating Construction Brand

  • Company/Studio
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
  • Design Team
    Zhou,Nan、Lee Chin Yuan、Wang Yu LIn、Tsai Pei-Yin
  • Client
    Julin technology company limited Co. Ltd.
  • Credits
    steven 58kg
  • Prize
    Winner in Graphic Design/Logo
  • Project Website

Taiwan in earthquake-prone is always troubled by earthquakes. Therefore, JULIN focuses on the seismic isolator product and applies “MFPS compound pendulum isolators” to buildings to enhance building safety and public well-being.“JULIN” means ‘huge forest’, which is a metaphor for the safety and reliability of the brand. The design features a "tree" for stability and an "eye" for vision, hoping that JULIN's seismic isolation technology promotes the development of the society and reflects the social responsibility of the brand.

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