E-sync:AR Glasses for Hearing Impaired People

  • University/School
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Wenbing Du
  • Design Team
    Wenbing Du, Siqi Wang, Wenfei Li, Yiyu Qi, Yihuan Ma
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Project Website

E-sync is a wearable communication aid for people with hearing loss, using AI to analyze speech and emotions. It converts speech content and emotions into text and tactile vibrations for users to understand the speaker’s tone. Users can respond in sign language, which is converted to speech messages through AI. The device’s foldable design is convenient and protective, with an elegant color scheme that blends with daily attire. The accompanying app allows for language processing customization in real-time, enhancing the communication experience for users in social interactions.

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