Terza Torre, Florence

  • Company/Studio
    Offtec S.R.L.
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Flavian Basile
  • Design Team
    Offtec srl, Valle 3.0 srl , Odinipa Ingegneria srl, Geol. Nolasco
  • Client
    Regione Toscana
  • Credits
    Here Agency s.r.l.
  • Prize
    Winner in Architecture/Commercial & Offices
  • Project Website

The idea is based on a unified design which the new building define dialogue with the existing buildings. The volume is the "missing piece" that completes the existing tetris consisting of the twin buildings of the Directional Center. Not only the definition of the form but also the master plan, allows the project to connect "new and pre-existing" as part of a single architectural composition. The definition of the volume emerges from an abstraction of the form of the existing buildings, concluding an optimal joint with them.

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