Ensemble Modern Magazin 01.24

  • Company/Studio
    Jäger & Jäger GbR
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Tanja Weich
  • Design Team
    Tanja Weich, Nico Nolle
  • Client
    Ensemble Modern GbR
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Project Website

New issue of Ensemble Modern Magazine E or M? M or E? Ensemble Modern Magazine! The M of the new distinctive typeface, with its idiosyncratic design of the vertices, is tilted at 90 degrees to form an E and is placed in the centre of the gutter to form the new title of the magazine. The changing accent colours, which give the communication media a new face again and again, are continued. The new edition uses a bright neon green. The image level, text level and typographic level interweave with each other to create an exciting and dense overall expression of New Music.

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