Timeless Package Trio - Greenplac's 2024 Merchandising Material

  • Company/Studio
    Greenplac MDF
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Greenplac Marketing Team
  • Design Team
    Lais Carelo, Rita Curci, Fernanda Carnevalli
  • Client
    Greenplac MDF
  • Credits
    Graphic Design: Agência 7etti, Execution: MaisType
  • Prize
    Winner in Graphic Design/Packaging
  • Project Website

Greenplac's 2024 merchandising material was developed to atend the needs of different customers in accessing MDF samples. Produced in lightweight materials, with good durability and elegant appearance, the three different displays bring the concept "Timeless-The Design that remains". The Book Catalog enable the view of the entire Greenplac products mix with attached samples, the Compact Box is a light and practical showcase with loose samples, allowing moodboards creations and easy transportation, while the Premium Box is the top of line showcase, that allows compositions with larger samples.

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