AIM- Accenture Intelligent Mobility

  • Company/Studio
    Accenture, The Dock
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Eoin Ó Loideáin
  • Design Team
    Connor Upton, Sakeena Tayebji, Annabel Cleere, Sinan Ozdemir
  • Client
    Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Project Website

AIM is a proactive safety solution that uses advanced sensing and analytics to understand risks on the road before accidents happen. Unlike traditional approaches relying on historical crash data, our solution leverages design strategy, systems thinking, and UX/UI design to shift the road safety paradigm from reactive to proactive. Our team collaborated with data scientists to harness near-miss data via advanced sensors and computer vision, creating interactive maps and visualisations that enable traffic engineers to proactively identify and mitigate risks before accidents occur.

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