Contact Sports

  • Company/Studio
    Ringo Studio
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Madelynn Ringo
  • Design Team
    Madelynn Ringo, Mathias Sant'Anna, Madison Strakele, Danya Li, Romi Moller
  • Client
    Contact Sports
  • Credits
    Photos by Anna Anna Morgowicz
  • Prize
    Winner in Interior Design/Retails

Contact Sports is a bold and disruptive icon in the sexual wellness industry, offering an immersive retail experience to indulge in pleasure and excitement. It begins with a rose shop, fostering an ambiance of romance and luxury. Sensual gifts are showcased within vintage-inspired lockers alongside sports accessories and brass nameplates, revealing the brand’s playful spirit. The deep burgundy palette, rich walnut textures, and custom mosaic floor details create a story-filled design that nods to varsity nostalgia and taking customers on a sensory journey.

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