Restaurant ICHI GO ICHI E

  • Company/Studio
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  • Lead Designer(s)
    Yusuke Takahashi (Yusuke Takahashi Architects)
  • Design Team
    Alexei Yakovets, Stanislav Moskalensky
  • Client
    Relab Family
  • Credits
    Photo by Dmitrii Tsyrenshchikov
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Project Website

Ichi-go Ichi-e in Japanese means to cherish every moment. Now it is also a concept and name of a new Asian restaurant in Kazan. The restaurant is a balance of practicality and effect. The entrance hall is separated from the main room by a red portal, reminiscent of the entrance to a shrine. It prepares senses for a dimly lit, colorful room just ahead of visitors. The dominant feature of the restaurant room is a bionic shaped column with multimedia projection, akin to Asian megapolis lights. Open kitchen is easy to see from most seats. There’s also a secret bar with a separate entrance.

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