Le Solstice

  • Company/Studio
    NEUF architect(e)s
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Hugo Gagnon
  • Design Team
    Bruno St-Jean, Emmanuelle Cardu, Guy Caron, Kim Pham, Mailie Bélisle, Pablo Cadiz, Amélie Arel, Julie Leblanc, Valérie Godbout, Serge Tremblay
  • Client
    QMD-Ménard Inc. + KODEM
  • Credits
    Photo by: Adrien Williams
  • Prize
    Winner in Architecture/Big Scale building
  • Project Website

Located at the heart of downtown Montreal, the 44-storey residential tower sits atop a commercial podium whose massing and materials blend with the surrounding context. The setback of the lower floors creates a pedestrian arcade and enlivens the public domain. The upper floors combine residential units with a variety of shared services, including a wellness centre, an indoor pool with terraces, as well as a cellar and working areas. Several works of art by renowned local artist Pascal Girardin interspersed throughout the common areas contribute to the social and cultural value of the project.

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