House W003

  • Company/Studio
    guò bàn ér - 过半儿
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Christian Taeubert
  • Design Team
    Sun Min
  • Client
    Wei Tian - Harper's Bazaar Chief Editor Fashion, China
  • Credits
    Photos by: Boris Shiu
  • Prize
    Winner in Architecture/Refurbishment

We are passionate about transforming nondescript dwellings and undervalued properties. Adaptive reuse is our approach to everything from sustainability to social values. We turned this empty and ordinary structure on the fringes of Beijing into an exceptional-quality living space and garden. By rethinking the centrality of these urban peripheral zones, our revitalization projects are driving social change on a family level. The new home for a fashion magazine chief editor evokes the feeling of vacationing. The basis for our commitment to adaptive reuse is a new approach to value creation.

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