Tong Hsing Electronics

  • Company/Studio
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  • Lead Designer(s)
    Kris Yao
  • Client
    Tong Hsing Electronic Industries, Ltd.
  • Credits
    Photo by: Ching Kuang Liao
  • Prize
    Winner in Architecture/Commercial & Offices
  • Project Website

The headquarters building is a red square box punctured by openings of varying sizes, while the fabrication plant at the rear is clad in precast modular concrete panels embellished with vertical aluminum panels and square terracotta tiles. The project highlight is the 10-story atrium at the heart of the headquarters building, providing a pleasant courtyard where employees can relax, socialize, or attend corporate events. Natural light filters through the waffle slab above, bathing the space in sunlight, and together with rows of trees at the lower level, adds a touch of softening greenery.

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