Seashore - a Place for Togetherness

  • Company/Studio
    guò bàn ér - 过半儿
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  • Lead Designer(s)
    Christian Taeubert
  • Design Team
    Sun Min, Lio Peng Fei, Wang Nan, Li Yue
  • Client
    Hainan Investment Group
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention

A fishing village - a place for togetherness A two-hour drive to the west of Haiko on the tropical island of Hainan, China, an abandoned fishing village awaits revitalization into a boutique hotel and beach destination. At the village's harbor, a stone barrier served as a fish farm and will be used as a tidal pool for the hotel. The remaining old fishermen's cabins built from local lava stone will be preserved and transformed into various hotel villa typologies.

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