Waterfront Narrates: A Series of Stations Along the Xin'an River

  • Company/Studio
    XK Studio (HDEC-ARCH)
  • Lead Designer(s)
    XU Kun
  • Design Team
    ZHANG Mingliang, LIN Diannan, ZHOU Chaojie, LIN Siyuan, MA Xueying , ZHOU Zhuofan
  • Client
    Xinanjiang Comprehensive Protection Project Construction Headquarters
  • Credits
    Image Credit: Fan Mingming, XK Studio (HDEC-ARCH)
  • Prize
    Winner in Architecture/Small Scale Project
  • Project Website

A series of waterfront service stations, designed by XK Studio (HDEC-ARCH), are located along the Xin’an River, Jiande City, Zhejiang Province. The design philosophy of the station emphasizes lightness, intimacy, tranquility, and purity, aiming to eliminate and integrate the relationship between the road and the greenway with waterfront landscape architecture. The service stations include shared spaces like tea rooms and reading rooms, open to the public, enhancing the sense of belonging among villagers, enriching their cultural activities, and shaping the cultural atmosphere of the place.

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