The Horizon Library

  • Company/Studio
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  • Lead Designer(s)
    HUANG Jinhui
  • Design Team
    CHAN Pakkin, QIU Bin, LIN Zhaoli, LIN Miaoting
  • Client
    Hefei Baohu District Rural Revitalization Investment Co., Ltd.
  • Credits
    Photo by LIN Yongchen
  • Prize
    Winner in Architecture/Cultural Architecture
  • Project Website

A key landmark of the Dawei Village Revitalization Masterplan, the Horizon Library reimagines a former farmhouse site into an idyllic retreat for readers seeking solace in nature and imagination. Embodying the concept of openness through its form, materiality, and ambiance, a carved monolith and a hovering prism are stacked and splayed to capture the breadth of the land and the expanse of the sky. Conceived as a reading veranda that hovers above the prairies, the library gathers its guests under the grand tree bookshelf, inviting their imaginations to roam free towards the vista and beyond.

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