Reviving Peaks and Waters, Sculpting Life and Ecology Anew: The Blue Bay Project of Baisha Bay

  • Company/Studio
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Hei Gao
  • Design Team
    Hei Gao, Yu Xia, Weidong Xu, Yue Cao, Ting Yu, Chunxi Wang, Xiaojie Zheng, Yan Zhou, Zhuo Wang, Shuo Li, Long Wang, Dandan Tang, Lei Nie, Jian Chen, J
  • Credits
    Photo By: Chill Shine
  • Prize
    Winner in Landscape Design/Large Scale Projects

Baisha Bay Park is a transformative design that integrates the bay's inner waters and a 2.5-kilometer-long artificial sandy beach with the area's natural advantages, including abandoned silt tidal flats, reef-surrounded mountains, Baisha Mountain, Dadao Mountain, and the bedrock shoreline. Upon completion, Baisha Bay Park will connect the bay with the sea dike, bay-side vegetation, and the bedrock shoreline, featuring an "Ecological Coast" with different landscape levels that reintroduce urban vitality into the previously sparse and underdeveloped Baisha Bay.

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