Jian Mu Tower

  • Company/Studio
    Cra-Carlo Ratti Associati
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Carlo Ratti
  • Design Team
    Italo Rota, Antonio Atripaldi, Chiara Borghi, Mario Daudo, Rui Guan, Chenyu Xu
  • Client
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Project Website

The Jian Mu Tower, whose facade features a vertical hydroponic farm extending the entire height of the building, introduces a new kind of skyscraper where the natural and the artificial closely overlap. The building’s design makes it possible for the building’s tenants to cultivate, purchase and consume fresh vegetables and fruits directly inside the tower. The 218-meter tower dedicates 10,000 square meters of space on its façade to the cultivation of crops. The vertical hydroponic farm will produce an estimated 270,000 kgs of food per year, enough to cover the needs of roughly 40,000 people.

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