Starker Stoff für bunte Bilder

  • Company/Studio
    Bureau Sebastian Moock
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Sebastian Moock
  • Design Team
    Dr. Jennifer Moldenhauer, Dr. Christian E. Loeben, Dr. Edith Bernhauer
  • Client
    Dr. Christian Loeben, Museum August Kestner
  • Prize
    Winner in Graphic Design/Communication design
  • Project Website

Ancient textiles are a very special treasure in the Egyptian collection of the August Kestner Museum. The oldest piece is over 5000 years old and so well preserved that it looks as if it has just been woven! In addition to these 33 objects from the early Egyptian to Ptolemaic period (approx. 3000 to 30 BC), the majority of the collection consists of over 400 items of clothing and household textiles. These are very sensitive to light, which is why the indirect lighting is provided by light boxes. Visitors can temporarily illuminate the textiles with a flashlight.

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