Changling Yaju, Guangzhou, China

  • Company/Studio
    Guangzhou S.P.I Design Co., Ltd
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Yuxing Chen
  • Design Team
    Ridong Liu, Jiawei Yan, Panpan Xi, Kangjian Chen, Xiaoping Zeng, Qiaozhu Luo, Fangfang He, Xiaoye Dai, Wei Liu
  • Client
    Guangzhou Yuanshang Real Estate Development Co., Ltd
  • Credits
    Photo by: Ne-Shanshui
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention

The project is situated on Changxian Road in Guangzhou, enveloped by verdant hills that cloak the building within them. With the concept of low-key luxury, the design draws inspiration from nature's characteristics, and seamlessly integrates architecture, interior design, and landscaping into a whole. The front space offers natural seclusion, the middle ceremonial space exudes refinement and opulence, while the inner space radiates elegance. Together, these three meticulously designed spaces create a future-oriented experience of luxurious mountain living.

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