Chasing Rabbits

  • Company/Studio
    Rockwell Group
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    David Rockell, FAIA
  • Design Team
    Founder and President: David Rockwell, FAIA Partner and Studio Leader: Shawn Sullivan Project Manager: Isabella Chen
  • Client
    Solaris Group
  • Credits
    Photo By: Michael Stavaridis
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Project Website

Solaris Group tapped Rockwell Group to transform one of Solaris Plaza’s venues into Chasing Rabbits: a clubhouse collective catered to a new generation of Vail, with a series of bespoke experiences that skiers and locals alike can enjoy from the afternoon into the late evening. Our location was formerly a large cinema bistro, and we wanted to create a series of distinct dining and entertainment spaces that allowed guests to move through different experiences from late afternoon into the wee hours—a surprise series of bespoke experiences for dining, playing, and lounging.

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