Bathhouse Flatiron

  • Company/Studio
    Rockwell Group
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    David Rockell, FAIA
  • Design Team
    Founder and President: David Rockwell, FAIA Partner: Shawn Sullivan, RA, AIA Principal and Studio Leader: Michael Fischer
  • Client
    Travis Talmadge and Jason Goodman
  • Credits
    Photo By: Adrian Gaut
  • Prize
    Winner in Interior Design/Hospitality
  • Project Website

Bathhouse is a distinct departure from traditional wellness models, filling a niche at the intersection of a no-frills banya and a luxury spa. Our design concept for the first Manhattan location—a three-level destination featuring thermal pools, saunas, and marble hammams—was inspired by the idea of the Hero’s Journey. Our goal was to create a new architectural language, allowing guests to feel as though they’ve discovered a slightly futuristic ruin from an ancient civilization.

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