Huafa Villa, Zhuhai

  • Company/Studio
    Guangzhou S.P.I Design Co., Ltd
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Duanlian Nie
  • Design Team
    Junjun Deng, Jing Ning, Ya Xiao, Bona Chen, Yajun Chen, Hongzhou Pan, Jielin Chen, Menghua Li, Jianping Lin, Shu Chen, Yanfang Chen, Bingbin Lin
  • Client
    Zhuhai Huajun Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.
  • Credits
    Photo by: Inch Studio
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention

The project studied the characteristics, craftsmanship, and aesthetics of Lingnan gardens, striving to create modern, eclectic, and captivating villas that honor and reinvent local culture. Through a fusion of traditional elements and contemporary design, the project aims to ensure the enduring legacy of Lingnan's rich and inclusive cultural heritage in the modern era. Employing modern techniques to showcase oriental beauty, it seamlessly integrates courtyard culture with the innovative techniques of modern architecture, resulting in contemporary Lingnan-style courtyard residences.

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