Longyandong Creative Industrial Park: Linking the Past and Future

  • Company/Studio
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  • Lead Designer(s)
    HUANG Jinhui
  • Design Team
    CHAN Pakkin, QIU Bin, HU Bin, LIN Yanping
  • Client
    Fujian Longyandong Wenjing Investment Development Co., Ltd.
  • Credits
    LIN Yongchen, WDi
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Project Website

The second renovation of Longyandong Creative Industrial Park revitalizes the abandoned factory into a vibrant cultural district. Operating at the nexus of architecture, landscape, and art, we translated Longyan's urban history into a series of public spaces, welcoming visitors to re-discover the city's forgotten industrial and cultural heritage. At the epicenter, a new amphitheater plaza reconnects two disjunct datums. With limited budget, the renovation was limited to the scale of building skins and material finishes, exemplifying a sustainable form of urban renewal with minimal demolition.

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