EASY FLIP - Multifunctional Travel Neck Pillow

  • University/School
    Ling Tung University
  • Lead Designer(s)
  • Design Team
  • Credits
    Advisor: CHIU, WEI-CHEN
  • Prize
    Winner in Product Design/Home-ware & accessories

The neck pillow is an extremely important portable object for a short rest when the traveler is taking a means of transportation. We spread the neck pillow in half to form two semi-cylinders of unequal height, and the foam wrapped inside the cover has special grooves and cuts to achieve the effect of easy bending while being soft and elastic. At the same time, the spread neck pillow can be used as a lumbar support, and it also can be used as a pillow alone or become a towel pillow with a towel, providing travelers with the maximum degree of personalized comfort with a limited volume.

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