Fuqing Liqiao Traditional District

  • Company/Studio
    Beijing Tsinghua Tongheng Urban Planning and Design Institute
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Jie Zhang
  • Design Team
    Gong Zhang, Dakun Luo, Yi Jin, Yunjia Wang, Chengye Wang, Xiaohong He, Yanan Yang, Juan Wang, Yanxia Wang, Enchuang Fan, Zhaowei Ning, Yang Wang
  • Client
    Fuqing Dongbai Real Estate Co., Ltd.
  • Credits
    Photo by: Shiran Photography
  • Prize
    Winner in Architecture/Big Scale building
  • Project Website

The Liqiao District stands as a large landmark that reclaims local identity within the modern commercial real estate sector, responding to rapid urbanization. This effort integrates key elements such as the overseas heritage of the Fuqing, traditional landscapes, and indigenous materials, transforming Liqiao into a vibrant new urban center. By functioning as both a leisure hub and a community park, Liqiao reasserts itself as the cultural core of the Fuqing overseas community. This initiative represents a milestone in the creation of modern public spaces dedicated to preserving local identity.

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